A personal injury lawyer providing information on cycling, cyclist rights, and everything in between

Bicycle Accident Checklist

Checklist for things that you need to do if you’ve been in a bike accident.

Truck Running Over Bike


If you have been in a bike accident, it’s critical that you follow these important steps to preserve your case and maximize your recovery.

  • Contact The Police- The police will document where the bike accident occurred, the parties involved, any witness information, and may assign fault based on their findings. You may later obtain a copy of the traffic collision report to support and further investigate your case.

  • Take Down Party/Witness Information- Get the responsible person’s phone number, license, registration, license plate and proof of insurance.  Note any important statements from them.  Also, get contact information for bike accident witnesses, if possible. Don’t just rely on the police to obtain this information as witnesses may leave the scene before the police arrive.

  • Seek Medical Care- Visit a medical professional immediately to examine your bike accident injuries. Accident injuries are not always apparent immediately due to a heavy rush of adrenaline. Waiting too long may harm your physical and financial recovery.  

  • Take Photos- Take photos at the scene of the bike accident if you have a camera or phone with you.  Record damage to your bike and the other vehicle.  Document any visible injuries you sustained. Continue to photo document your injuries as they will change over time and sometimes leave scarring.

  • Keep A Journal- Record how your life has been affected by this bike accident.  Include physical and emotional aches and pains as well as your inability to perform your regular daily activities. Be as descriptive as possible. This information will be helpful when you are later making a demand for settlement or trying to recall your specific pain and suffering at the time of deposition and/or trial.

  • Lost Wages- Keep track of all the time you lost from work as a result of the bike accident, including time taken off for doctor’s visits.

  • Save Physical Evidence- Keep the bike and clothes you were wearing in the same condition they were after the bike accident.  Keep all documents pertaining to your bike accident, such as police reports, notes, bills, etc.   

  • Don’t Speak To The Other Party’s Insurance Company- Don’t give a recorded statement about the bike accident or sign any medical releases.  Any information obtained can be used against you later on. It’s best you let an attorney speak on your behalf to protect your claim.

  • Contact Bicycle Accident Attorney John Mersereau- Call now for a FREE consultation with personal injury lawyer John Mersereau.  I’ll help you protect your legal rights and maximize your recovery for your bike accident.